Posts in Part 3
How Do I Forgive Myself?

Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is… me…. What do you do when your past is full of mistakes? What do you do when you’ve let down people you love again and again? Can you really be free of it? This week we’ll show you a critical Biblical truth to show you why forgiving ourselves is so difficult, and teach you what to do about it so you can let yourself off the hook once and for all.

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The Jesus They See

Have you ever thought that, if you’re a Christian, you might be the only Jesus some people see in their lives? That’s a lot of responsibility! The truth is, Jesus doesn’t save us just so we feel better and go to Heaven one day. He saves us so we can show the world what a great God He is, and how the the gift of salvation has changed us. If you want light in your life, start using the light you’ve been given to light up someone else’s life. You might be the only Jesus they ever see.

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Letters Part 3

Social Media seems to be full of controversy anymore. Posts dealing with politics or unpopular opinions only add fuel to the fires of personal choice, preference, party, or pride. There was plenty of this social unrest and dissension within the early church as well, especially as Jews and Gentiles tried to figure out the “rules” and which ones should be enforced. These divisions even led to some painful assumptions and hurting people. We won’t spoil the ending, but the way we deal with people, especially those we should have love for, is never something we should take lightly. Tune in this week, to catch the way God addresses the things that divide us, and the bigger plan he has for us all.

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Peace In The Storms

It is amazing that the water that brings life to the earth, can also well up and bring emergency and fear. Sometimes the storms of life seem so overwhelming: threatening to wash our feet out from under us in the power of the waves. Whether literal or figurative, In many of those times, we can’t help but feel alone, abandoned, forsaken. How do we pursue peace in the midst of life’s downpours? Why does it always seem like God is so far away during these times of struggle? This week, we speak to the storms and give away the secret to finding strength when life is throwing everything it can.

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Needy People

In every group of people you know, there is someone who is SOOOO needy! Whether Emotionally or even just demanding of your time, these people always seem to find a way to dominate the conversation, and your sanity. How do we move beyond the want of their requests, and start addressing the actual problem? How do we stay sane and draw strength in the midst of these conversations? This week we root out the ways you can manage the needs of those around you and still keep your sanity.

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Fundamental 3

Sticks and Stones may break our bones, but words can cut even deeper… The childhood phrases we learned paint a picture of strength against the words of others, but in fact, words can have a more profound effect on us than bruises and scrapes ever could. Especially when those words come from someone we are close to. This week we discuss how the words we immerse ourselves in can shape our year for the better.

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Freedom from Chains

All we really want is freedom from our chains. But what if it's not actually the chains that are binding us? What if the reason we can't seem to be free is because we approach freedom the wrong way? What if in our attempt to be free we're actually tightening our chains and ensuring we'll never be free? This week we look at freedom in a new way and take a fresh look at the one thing we all want.

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Empowering the Poor

We know that poverty exists in the world, but how do we treat it in our own backyard? How do we detach from a worldly view of success and begin serving the person instead? Join in as we discuss principles that will help us adjust our perspective and find connection with all people.

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New Finances

Money. Is there ever enough of it? Can it ever stop causing us stress? In part three of "Brand New" we look at finances and discover how God can transform us from the inside out and give us real change financially.

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