Posts tagged Overwhelmed
Peace With God

Circumstances can often feel like they dictate our futures. Or our Potential. Maybe even our sense of worth. Others may take extreme steps to alter their life’s direction. No matter where we fall in this spectrum, it is easy to see that adding relationship with God into this very personal dynamic can get “sticky”. How do we overcome the tension of our plans versus God’s? This week we look through the eyes of Jacob, and the transformation in his life after letting God lead his steps.

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Peace In Expectations

Sometimes it seems that everyone you know wants something from you, like your time, money, or attention. Even deeper expectations may come from the bosses, teachers, parents, and leaders. Since life is built on relationships, these can be hard to ignore; but striving to live up to the expectations of all these groups, can be downright overwhelming. So where is the balance? What takes priority? How do we deal with the expectations we can’t meet? And how does God fit into all of this? In our final message for this series, we dig into all of these things, with some simple principles to help make living life to the fullest a little more attainable.

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Peace In The Storms

It is amazing that the water that brings life to the earth, can also well up and bring emergency and fear. Sometimes the storms of life seem so overwhelming: threatening to wash our feet out from under us in the power of the waves. Whether literal or figurative, In many of those times, we can’t help but feel alone, abandoned, forsaken. How do we pursue peace in the midst of life’s downpours? Why does it always seem like God is so far away during these times of struggle? This week, we speak to the storms and give away the secret to finding strength when life is throwing everything it can.

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Peace In The Chaos

Remember when there was dial up, answering machines, newspapers, and Encyclopedias? When the instantaneous access to the world’s information was barely even a dream? When life just seemed to move more slowly? When there just simply wasn’t as much noise to keep us constantly distracted? In the overwhelming stress and anxiety of everyday life, how do we make time to pause? WHEN could we, even if it sounded like an amazing idea? This week we get real about how important peace is, to living a fulfilling life, and some simple and practical applications.

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Hope No Matter What

If you have found yourself drowning in the noise of life, feeling weighed down and exhausted by the heaps of information and emotion that never seem to end, then you might be: Overwhelmed. We all deal with it. Suffer from it. Sometimes it feels like being stuck on a treadmill, where progress never seems attainable. How do we get above the heap? Where is the peace we are all struggling to identify? As we kick off this new series, we set out to tackle some hard internal and external truths, all designed to help you cope. This word should not define us. We were created for more.

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