Posts tagged The Grudge
How Do I Forgive People?

Forgiveness is such a difficult thing. Even if we want to, sometimes it's so tough to actually let go. And what do we do when the things we need to forgive are truly terrible? Is it even possible? As we finish up The Grudge, we'll learn some critical truths about forgiveness, and lay out steps to take to truly be free. It's not easy, and it may not be what you want to hear, but it can change your life.

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How Do I Forgive Myself?

Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is… me…. What do you do when your past is full of mistakes? What do you do when you’ve let down people you love again and again? Can you really be free of it? This week we’ll show you a critical Biblical truth to show you why forgiving ourselves is so difficult, and teach you what to do about it so you can let yourself off the hook once and for all.

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How Do I Forgive God?

What happens when God lets us down? When the person we've prayed for dies, or the marriage we've begged God to heal falls apart? What happens when everyone around us seems to get ahead, but we just get further and further behind while we're trying to follow God every day?

Sometimes we get angry with God. This week we'll talk about how to deal with that, how to forgive God (even though he doesn't actually need it), and how to start dropping our forgiveness baggage to move forward .

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Why Should I Let It Go?

Have you ever held a grudge? Maybe it was a stupid one, or maybe you really deserved to hold it. No matter who you are, there are times in life we’re so offended we hold on to things. Unfortunately for some of us those grudges build up over time and keep us from all God has for us. In other words, grudges can keep us stuck in the past, and prevent us from God’s future.

This week we’ll unpack a powerful Biblical principle from the story of Joseph, and begin a journey to be free of the offenses of the past, so we can move fully into God’s future.

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