Our Values

Values are just words to some people. At City North, our values are everything. They are the guiding principles that drive every decision we make. They are the behaviors that define who we are. If you want to know what it’s like to be part of City North, our values tell that story.

We live out big faith in a big God

We choose faith in the promises & truth of Jesus instead of giving into the fear of what could happen. We don’t ask what’s easy, comfortable, or safe. We ask what’s right and we obey it. We don’t live on our own understanding, but boldly and confidently step wherever God tells us, knowing He sees what we cannot. We trust Him above all.

We prioritize health above growth

We prioritize the health of the body above the growth of the body. Health can lead to growth, but growth doesn’t always mean health. We will ask, “is this healthy?” before we ask, “will it yield results?”. We recognize it is God who builds His church, and it is our job to care for the church well, trusting Him for the results.

We put God first and others second

We put people first in all things. We put them before our preferences, desires, and policies. We model the kindness of Jesus, who cared genuinely for people. We do not ask “how are you” because we must; we ask it because we truly want to know. We do life together, not just attend a service together. We rally around each other in times of need and celebrate together in times of joy. We walk together because we’re too vulnerable alone.

We think much of Jesus and very little of ourselves. We don’t build our kingdom. We build His. We don’t take action based on how it will benefit us. We take action based on if it will make much of God.

We give sacrificially

We give beyond our means, our understanding, and our comfort because God gave more than we ever could in Jesus first. We know that people will see God how we represent Him. We know our faith is put into practice by how we view our resources – whether as scarce or not.

We choose real in a world full of fake

In a world that’s full of fake we choose to be real. We refuse to pretend and act like everything is ok when it really isn’t. We live in the joy and the pain of life. We laugh big, cry hard, and give space for struggle and mess. We create places where it’s ok to be ok, and where it’s ok to not be ok.

We give huge grace and speak bold truth

We will give extraordinary grace because it’s what we’ve been given. Jesus died for us, sinners without a way to be good enough for him. We accept that grace and give it freely, without comparing ourselves to others, or expecting them to fit a pre-formed mold of our own making. When we stand before Jesus one day we will say we erred on the side of grace, yet we also refuse to allow lies to destroy lives so we confront the lies of the enemy with the Truth of the King.

We pay it forward

We do not consume, we contribute, because every one of us stands on the shoulders of giants who gave more than we could imagine to see the name of Jesus carried through the generations. We refuse to simply sit in a seat and observe so we can feel better about ourselves, but instead we choose to pay it forward by using our God given gifts, talents, and passions to build the body.

We bring light into darkness

We will never wall ourselves in, creating a bubble where we feel comfortable, safe, and in control. We will not remove ourselves from our world and our culture because they’re evil. Rather, we will boldly step into a dark world with the light of Jesus, leading the way with His kindness, humility, and grace. And we will not stop until the whole world knows Him.